Mumbai Police
Mumbai Police is a Malayalam thriller film directed by Roshshan Andrews, starring Prithviraj, Rahman etc.. It is the first of its kind in the Malayalam industry. The film has similarities with the Hindi film Yakeen in the progress of story. The director has done a descent job in budding the story in the context of a Malayalam film without much burden of the budget.
The story is about a rude police officer who investigates the murder of his best friend. In fact he successfully completes the investigation. But as soon as he completes the investigation, he faces an accidents and loses his memory. The story starts at this crucial point of time and to our surprise, ends at the same point which is quiet mysterious!
The director has taken great effort to capture the facial expressions of the actors through unorthadox frames including enough close-up shots. The writers also put forward many questions about homosexuality, morality of policing and so on.
More important is the fact that even though we know the story before seeing the film, we would not loose the thrill, because, the director has taken keen effort in the scene order as well as in thinking as a viewer rather than a film-maker
The story is about a rude police officer who investigates the murder of his best friend. In fact he successfully completes the investigation. But as soon as he completes the investigation, he faces an accidents and loses his memory. The story starts at this crucial point of time and to our surprise, ends at the same point which is quiet mysterious!
The director has taken great effort to capture the facial expressions of the actors through unorthadox frames including enough close-up shots. The writers also put forward many questions about homosexuality, morality of policing and so on.
More important is the fact that even though we know the story before seeing the film, we would not loose the thrill, because, the director has taken keen effort in the scene order as well as in thinking as a viewer rather than a film-maker